Realising the impact small thoughts end up having on your entire life going forward. This post is about my experience with an old boss during my corporate life that impacted my new business only because I gave him the power to do so.
“They only have power if you give it to them!” This quote is from my coach during last week’s session; I wanted to talk about it because it took my personal development to the next level.
What happened is that we were going through one of my blockers (or limiting belief) I created while working with one of my old bosses. I explained that I was feeling uncomfortable about sharing anything on LinkedIn because he might read it and laugh at me with others. My Coach said to me: “Do you realise this guy only has the power you give him? I remained silent while the sentence sunk in and it felt like a revelation, I was once again responsible for this blocker. Therefore, I also own the solution.
Isn’t it amazing that once you understand it’s your hand, you can move on?
While before, I thought it was his responsibility, therefore, I couldn’t reach and make progress on it. Consequently, I’m now able to change this belief and make it disappear. But also, what I didn’t realise was that by thinking that my old boss would laugh at me, I was making it happen through visualisation and there is nothing more powerful than your mind to create negative thoughts. Your thoughts can impact you in the long term. Meanwhile, because it is in your mind, you don’t talk about it, unless like me you have a coach who knows you.
Don’t give me wrong, the guy has for sure better things to do anyway, but because I have told myself that he would laugh at me, no matter how busy he is, I feel it and it creates an anxiety ball in my heart stopping me in doing something for my business.
Time for me to stop carrying this unkind human being around with me. I don’t want to give him any power over my life anymore. To make this happen, I’m using this sentence as my mantra: “He only has power if I give it to him and I don’t want to give him any power.” Without any surprise, it works well, and I’m getting there, so watch this space LinkedIn.
Also, since I started to write this post, it has also been liberating, I feel a lot lighter while finishing it than when I started.
To conclude, this post is to highlight two things to you: 1 - How easy it is to create blockers out of nothing compared to shacking them off. These blockers get anchored deeply with time therefore essential to work on them if you discover or are aware of one creeping up in your way to personal and professional development. My answer to this is: find or talk to your coach as quickly as possible to remove this weight from your shoulders before it gets heavier and difficult to erase. 2 – You can’t efficiently coach yourself even if you’re an established coach.
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I have been working with dozens of high achievers like you; now I can’t wait to meet you and leverage your worth.
Speak soon, Aline.